Turning Your Vision into Requirements
Our discovery process puts you and your needs at the center, ensuring all questions are asked, all requirements are gathered, and all roads lead to your desired outcome.

Gaining Understanding, Pursuing Nirvana
Do you know how you want your team to operate, but not sure how to get there?
Feeling under-informed about the range of features and integrations your software stack provides?
Need an outside POV on your ideas for streamlining workflow?
Know what you want done, but not sure how long it will take or what skillsets are needed?

We Specialize in Streamlining Business Operations
The world of software has lots of intricacies and interconnectedness, which is why we consider Consulting & Discovery a standalone and critical step of the Digital Transformation journey.
Scleraworx works with your team to understand your vision, creating a detailed blueprint for your software implementation. Our deep knowledge of the landscape helps us evolve and enhance recommendations, identify potential challenges, and develop strategic solutions for the work.
Ensuring Your Vision becomes Our Vision
Some customers have a detailed understanding of the work they need done. Others have only a rough idea of their ideal outcome. Scleraworx thrives in both settings by:
- Assigning experts to each project.
- Conducting thorough stakeholder interviews to build accurate scopes.
- Adapting & enhancing output with integrations, upgrades, or custom solutions.
- Fostering collaboration, where customers have the final say on what we build.

We want to unleash our experts on your most pressing issues. We want to share in the joy of a plan coming together. Our Consulting & Discovery services ensure that ALL steps of your Digital Transformation are moving swiftly toward your biggest goals.
What Makes Scleraworx Different
We are motivated to plan the best, simplified, and effective solutions for you because we are often the ones who build them as well!
We have deep relationships with many software providers, making us experts on their features and functionality.
With a wide range of skillsets on the team, we can deploy top-level architects to build a requirement set, then transition them to an oversight role to save you money on execution.
Because we offer services from License Management through to Staffing, we can take a long-range look at your needs and build the most holistic plan possible.