You’ve Got the Work. We’ve Got the People.
Let Scleraworx’s wide range of staffing solutions round out your team and optimize your outcomes.

Staff Augmentation
- Do you have more work than your full-time team can handle?
- New projects or initiatives that you’re struggling to staff?
- A specific skillset you can’t get full-time headcount for?
- Need a contractor working behind the scenes to help with coordination and documentation for an overworked team?
We pride ourselves on offering highly skilled, accountable professionals for an incredibly wide array of specializations and services.
Whether you’re filling a single position or an entire team, technical roles or creative-based roles – we can help. Staff augmentation is one of our core and highest-rated services, so let us impress you with our quality and our cost.

Roles to Fit your Team, Plans to Fit Your Budget
Our large, diverse pool of candidates has been meeting clients’ needs across IT, Creative, and Administrative positions since our inception.
We offer various placement and pricing plans for temp staff of all levels: from highly technical, industry-seasoned veteran contractors to more junior, generalist resources. Roles we have placed include:
Software Admin
Systems Engineering
IT Management
Project Management
Web Development
UX Design
Many, many more…
We place individual contractors for these roles AND/ OR can build out full teams if there’s a missing capability in your organization.
With pricing plans starting at ~ $3,200/ month for part-time availability and $4,500/ month for full-time availability, we are confident we can meet your needs and your budget requirements.
What Makes Scleraworx Different
We offer a range of specializations to fit your team, your vertical, and even your software stack.
We’re confident our competitive pricing puts us in the conversation with any other staffing vendor out there.
We offer quick onboarding and ensure all resources are pre-trained on Scleraworx’s standard of excellence.
Our people truly embed in your team and its systems.